Welcome to Tutorials Class

We provide free online tutorials on the latest web technologies. These tutorials are well structured and easy to use for beginners. With each tutorial, you may find a list of related exercises, assignments, codes, articles & interview questions.

Tutorials Class is an All-in-One place to find Tutorials, Codes, Exercises, & Interview FAQs at one place.

Here, you will find a list of online training courses with examples. The content on this website is managed by Merient Infotech Team & their students.

While some tutorials are well versed with exercise and interview questions, we will update more tutorials with the time.


We provide free online tutorials in latest technologies. These tutorials are well structured and easy to use for beginners. Most of our tutorials contains suitable examples. Start learning step by step today.


You can browse through a collection of Interview Questions along with answers in each language/categories. These Interview Questions are helpful when preparing for job interviews


You will find Exercises, Programs, Assignments with solutions at the end of most Tutorials. We recommend students to try these exercises for practice and get a good understanding on different topics and logics.