Bootstrap Introduction

Bootstrap is a free and powerful platform to build responsive websites. It is based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Bootstrap simplify front end web development that supports devices of all shapes.

It is capable of making a website responsive using mobile-first front-end development framework. The responsive designs or templates created using Bootstrap can adjust themselves according to mobiles, tablets and desktops.

Features of Bootstrap:

  • Bootstrap is easy to use front-end framework which helps the user to develop responsive design and faster web development.
  • Bootstrap is easy to learn if you have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.
  • It is free of cost and compatible with every modern browser. For example, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome etc.
  • It saves a lot of time to build website templates and elements as built-in classes are available.

History of Bootstrap:

Many users would be happy to know about history of bootstrap before starting with Bootstrap.

Bootstrap was originally created by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter. It was originally known as the Twitter blueprint and released on August 19, 2011.

Bootstrap 2, released on January 31, 2012, and Bootstrap 3, was released on August 19, 2013. These versions added built-in support for Glyphicons, several new components & responsive design.

The better version of Bootstrap is Bootstrap 4 which comes with a huge number of changes like utility classes, sizing utilities, flexible boxes, responsive spacing etc.

As per our update, the latest stable version is Bootstrap 4.4.1 released on November 28, 2019. You can visit official website to see and download the latest version –

How to Start with Bootstrap:

It is easy to start working with Bootstrap as we only need to include few libraries files in HTML pages. Once started, You need to learn about bootstrap classes and their functioning. We will learn more in the next chapter.

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