C Basic Program Structure

It is always useful to know about the different parts of the C program. It will be helpful for understanding the programs in upcoming chapters. Let us learn about the basic program structure of the C language.

Basic Program Structure of C Language

Any C program mostly consists of the following parts:

  • Preprocessor Statements
  • Functions
  • Variables
  • Statements & Expressions
  • Comments

We will create a simple C program with minimum code & then explain each code block.


int main()
   /* simple c program output */
   printf("Hello World! ");
   return 0;
Tutorials Class - Output Window

Hello World!

Description of the sections in the above C program

#include <stdio.h>This is a preprocessor statement that includes standard input output header file (stdio.h) from the C library. By including header file, you can use many different functions such as printf()
void main()The execution of the C program starts with main() function. “void” is the return type of the function. Every C program can have only one main function.
Braces {}Two curly brackets {} are used to group all code statements. This indicates begins & ends of the main function.
/* Comments */Comments are just used to document or explain the code, to help others understand it. Everything written inside the command /*  */ will be ignored by the compiler.
printf()printf() is a function in C, which prints the text output on the screen.
getch()This is used to read any character input from the keyboard.

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