HTML Introduction

What is HTML?

HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages.

  • HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
  • Hypertext is more than simple text. Hypertext can works as a link.
  • A markup language is a computer language that uses tags to define elements within a document.

History of HTML:

  • HTML was initially created by Berners-Lee in late 1991
  • “HTML 2.0” was the first standard HTML specification which was published in 1995.
  • In late 1999, HTML 4.01 version was published and it was widely used over the web.
  • Currently we are having HTML-5 version which was published in 2012.

How HTML works:

HTML consists of collection of markup tags into a text file. When we save this text file with html extension (like sample.html), it becomes html file. This html file can be viewed through a browser (like Firefox/chrome).

The web browser simply read file and translates the tags into visible elements. Every tag has a meaning and it tells the browser to do something.

For an example, any website is simply a collection of web pages and a web page is made up of HTML tags. You can create your own website if you have basic knowledge of HTML.

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