PHP explode() Function

PHP explode() breaks a string into pieces as an array.

PHP explode is a built-in function that split the string based on a certain character or symbol (also called as a delimiter) passed in function parameter and returns an array of strings.


explode ( $separator, $string, $limit )


The explode function accepts three parameters. First two are mandatory and third is optional.

separator (or delimiter)Required. Specifies character or string where to break the string
stringRequired. The input string to break or split
limitOptional. Number of array elements to return

Note: The “separator” parameter cannot be specified empty string.


This PHP function is useful in following scenarios.

  • If you want to divide string based on some character or substring.
  • you can extract person names from a string based on spaces.
  • If you want to parse a CSV file data that has content separated by a comma.
  • you can get the strings by a new line.

Example #1: Split string separated by space

In this example, we have a string containing person names separated by space. Therefore, we can pass space as a delimiter to break the string (names) into the array.

// Take a string containing names with space
$message = "Robin Jenny Rocky Mark Deepak";

// Use PHP explode function to separate name by space
$names = explode(" ", $message);

// print array

Run example:


Tutorials Class - Output Window

[0] => Robin
[1] => Jenny
[2] => Rocky
[3] => Mark
[4] => Deepak

Example #2: Split string separated by another comma character

In this example, we have a string containing fruits name separated by a comma. Therefore, we can pass a comma character as a delimiter to break the string into the array.

// Take a string containing fruits list separated by a comma
$string = "Apple, Banana, Orange, Mango, Grapes";

// Use PHP explode function to separate name by comma
$fruits = explode(",", $string);

// print array

Run example:

Tutorials Class - Output Window

[0] => Apple
[1] => Banana
[2] => Orange
[3] => Mango
[4] => Grapes

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