PHP Functions

PHP Functions can be seen as ‘block of code’ or ‘set of statements’ that perform some tasks when executed. A function usually takes some input arguments, perform some action on them and returns some result.

Example of a Simple PHP Function:

function greetings()
	echo "Hello";
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PHP Function With Arguments

You can pass some input arguments (also called parameters) into the functions. An argument is just like a variable on which you can perform some action.

function add($num1, $num2)
    $total = $num1 + $num2;
    echo "Sum of the two numbers is : $total";
add(10, 25);
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Sum of the two numbers is : 35

Above function with take two arguments 10 & 25. Then, it perform addition operation on those numbers and returns total sum.

Function With Default Parameters Value

You can set a function with default parameter. When you can that function without passing that parameter, default parameter will be passed.

function setAge($age = 25) 
    echo "My age is: $age";
echo "<br>";
setAge(); // This time function will use the default value of 25
echo "<br>";
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My age is: 50
My age is: 25
My age is: 35

Function Returning Values

A function can return a value using the return statement. After ‘return’ the execution of the function stops and sends the return value back to the calling code.

function add($x, $y) 
    $z = $x + $y;
    return $z;
echo "The sum of 5 + 10 is: " . add(5, 10);
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The sum of 5 + 10 is: 15

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