PHP String Handling

PHP String

A string is a sequence of characters, like “Hello PHP!”.

$s = "Hello PHP!";
echo $s;

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Hello PHP!

PHP String Functions

Get The Length of a String using strlen() Function

The PHP strlen() function returns the length of a string.

echo strlen("Hello PHP!");

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Count The Number of Words in a String using word_count() Function

echo str_word_count("Hello PHP!");


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Reverse a String using strrev() Function

The PHP strrev() function reverses a string:

echo strrev("Hello PHP!"); 

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!PHP olleH

Search For a Specific Text Within a String using strpos() Function

The PHP strpos() function searches for a specific text within a string.

If a match is found, the function returns the character position of the first match. If no match is found, it will return FALSE.

echo strpos("Hello PHP!", "PHP");

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Replace Text Within a String using str_replace() Function

The PHP str_replace() function replaces some characters with some other characters in a string.

echo str_replace("world","Peter","Hello world!");

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Hello Arvin!

Converts String into Uppercase using strtoupper() Function

This String function converts all letters of String into Uppercase.

echo strtoupper("it should be in uppercase");

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Converts String into Lowercase using strtolower() function

This String function converts all letters of String into Uppercase.

echo strtolower("IT SHOULD BE IN LOWERCASE");

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it should be in lowercase

Capitalize the first letter of each word using ucwords() Function

This function is used to capitalized the first letter of each word in String.

echo ucwords("it should be in uppercase");

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It Should Be In Uppercase

Remove the Whitespace using trim() Function

This function is only removing the whitespace at the start and end of the String.

echo trim("  remove the whitesapce from start and end of the string  ");

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remove the whitesapce from start and end of the string

Congratulations! Chapter Finished. Learn more about the similar topics:
Exercises & Assignments
Write a PHP program to reverse the string
Write a PHP program to find the length of the string
Write a PHP program to count the words in the string
Write a PHP program to convert a string into uppercase
PHP Array to String Conversion (favourite colours chosen by user)
Interview Questions & Answers
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