Python Data Types
Python Data Types are the identity of the values stored in variables. With the help of Python Data Types, we can define the type of variables.
There are lots of data types in Python Programming. They can be categorised like this:
- Numbers
- Strings
- List
- Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionary
Let’s learn about all these one by one with simple examples.
Python Datatypes – Numbers
If the single numeric value is stored in the variables, then its Data Types said to be Numbers. Numbers can be of following types:
- Integer
- Float
- Complex
Integer: Non-decimal values are known as Integers. There is no effective limit of integers in Python. We can store large number of values.
Float: Such datatypes holds decimal values and can hold upto 12 decimals.
Complex: Complex number are those whose value is not a real number. For example, 10+3. It’s value is an imaginary number.
Example of Number Datatypes in Python
num_1 = 1312344334
num_2 = 12.312412414
num_3 = 2+5j
Note: There is an long dataype which is used to be in Previson version of Python 2.x . Now it is depricated in PYthon 3.x. So , don’t be confused.
Python Data Types – Strings
Strings are the sequence of characters. If a variable stores a single string value in it, then it is said to be a string. Most of the time strings are represented by single quote or double quotes such as “hello”.
Example of string data type
var_1 = "Welcome to the Tutorials Class"
var_2 = 'Welcome to the Tutorials Class'
Welcome to the Tutorials Class
Welcome to the Tutorials Class
Python Lists
With the help of the list, we can store multiple values in a single variable. The list is a collection of data that can be ordered or changeable. The list can stores the duplicate elements as well. Lists are written within the square brackets such as []
Example of python list
my_list = [121, 323, 324, "Tutorials"]
[121, 323, 324, ‘Tutorials’]
To learn more about the lists, Click here.
Python Tuples
Like lists, tuples are sequences that are used to store multiple values. The only difference between lists and tuples is tuples can’t be modified. The list uses square brackets. On the other hand, tuples use parentheses ()
my_tuple = (121, 323, 324, "Tutorials")
(121, 323, 324, ‘Tutorials’)
To learn more about the Tuples, Click here.
Python Sets
Like lists and tuples, sets are also the collection of data. Unlike these, sets elements don’t have any specific order and index as well. To write the set just include the data within the curly braces {}
Example of python set
my_set = {"PHP", "Python", "MySQL"}
{‘MySQL’, ‘Python’, ‘PHP’}
Here you can see that the set appeared without any order because sets are unordered and unindexed.
To learn more about the Sets, Click here.
Python Dictionary
A Dictionary is also a collection of data in python. Unlike sets, Dictionaries are indexed but these are unordered and changeable as well.
Like sets these are written within the curly braces {}
, but have some keys and values as each element.
Example of python dictionary
my_dictionary = {
"Title": "TutorialsClass",
"Year": 2019,
"Topic": "Dictionary"
{‘Title’: ‘TutorialsClass’, ‘Yeat’: ‘2019’, ‘Topic’: ‘Dictionary’}
To learn more about the Dictionary, Click here.
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