SEO – Keywords & Analysis

SEO Keywords:

SEO keywords are important words and phrases related to your website content. These are the terms that most people use in search engines to find relevant information. To optimize your website for search engines, you need to make a list of keywords that are relevant.

Importance of Keyword Analysis:

Keyword Analysis is an important part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well as “Search Engine Marketing”.

When you work on SEO, the right set of keywords helps you optimize your content. When you have a list of keywords for your product or services, you get an estimate of how many numbers of pages you need to prepare for your website.

Keyword list can be prepared for the overall content as well as for individual page. This means that when you are working on any page, you should know about different keywords to target.

While working on keywords oriented content, you should always care for the user. In fact, Search engine optimisation is important but it is not important than the customer. Therefore, you can calculate keyword density to keep a balance between the content quality and keyword inclusion.

What is Keyword density:

Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword appeared on a web page compared. If you have 100 total words in content and any keyword used 3 times on the page, your keyword density is calculated 3%. High keyword density can be treated as spams by search engines.

There is no exact or accurate keyword density however we recommend that keyword density should be between 1% to 3%.

If you use WordPress (Most popular blogging software & content management system), you can install Yoast SEO plugin to identify keyword density. Yoast SEO analyses your content and provides lists where improvements required.

Focus Keyword:

You should always know what is one or two most important keywords your content targets. This keyword is known as Focus keyword (as mentioned by Yoast SEO). You can read more about optimizing page content according to Focus Keyword by optimizing Meta Title, Description and content.

How to do Keyword Analysis:

You can perform a better Keyword Research and Analysis if you have clear information about what your website offers. If you lack knowledge, you can shortlist the wrong list of keywords and the wrong set of keywords attracts the wrong set of users.

If you are a service provider, you should have good information about the service or product. Only then you can choose better keywords and audience to target. If you are an SEO professional, then you should get an understanding of the content and keywords from the business team.

Steps to finalize your website keywords.

  • Make a list of key areas or services that you offer to users.
  • Create a list of keywords related to those key areas.
  • Enhance your list using Google autocomplete or suggested related terms in the search listing.
  • Try a search with those keywords to see what your competitors are and how they are ranking. This will help you to prioritize keywords if you can offer better content/service/product for certain keywords.
  • And the most important, use online Keyword Planner tools (such as Google Keyword Planner) to shortlist popular keywords.

Keyword Research & Planner Tools are covered in details in next chapter.

Read more about Keyword Research and Analysis:

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