SEO – Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking is an online tool to manage your website bookmarks. SEO professionals can use bookmarking tools to promote a website.

What is Bookmarks?

Bookmarks are website links or URL address that we want to store for future reference. They are very useful specially when Web pages with long URLs are not easy to remember.

Modern browsers support bookmark features. For example, you can save the bookmark in the browser by clicking the star icon next to the URL in Google Chrome. However, browsers offer only limited options to manage these bookmarks. Therefore, many online bookmark management services have launched since 1996.

Features of Bookmarking Tools

Today, there are many online bookmarking websites available which offer a variety of options for users.

  • Bookmarking service allows you to save, organize and share bookmarks with other users.
  • Some bookmarking tools provide options to assign categories and tags to efficiently manage large number of bookmarks.
  • There are many bookmarking sites that has options to save images and description along with links.
  • User can search with specific keywords in many bookmarking sites.
  • Some tools also allows us to create private bookmarks.
  • In some bookmarking sites, users can follow you similar to twitter.

Social bookmarking is a powerful tool in promoting a website. But going through all of those social bookmarking sites and downloading toolbars is madness!

Using Social Bookmarking Sites to Boost SEO

As a user, bookmarking websites helps to manage links to important websites. Also, Social bookmarking is very useful for Off-Page SEO optimization.

External links are an important SEO factor to rank a website higher in the search engine. With Social bookmarking, you can quickly create high-quality backlinks.

Top 10 Social Bookmarking Sites List

Here, you can find list of top Social Bookmarking sites.

Important Social Bookmarking Tips

  • Use interesting and engaging text as a description with links if allowed.
  • Use attractive images with links
  • Keep posting regular bookmarks and links that are helpful for users. It will help you get more followers which will help you with promotion when required.
  • If you are an SEO guy or do promotion for many brands, you can create separate email id for signup social bookmarking sites. This will help you avoid regular notifications from these websites.

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