WordPress Themes

A WordPress theme is a collection of files that defines the design of a WordPress website.

WordPress theme contains PHP code, CSS styles, JavaScript and few other kinds of files to create overall structure and appearance of your blog or website. Themes can be installed, changed, managed from the “WordPress admin > Appearance > Themes“.

Role of WordPress Themes:

  1. WordPress theme produces a layout of a website which consists of columns, sidebar, header, footer and other sections.
  2. Themes contain CSS files that set colours, fonts, and some other formatting on the website.
  3. WordPress theme use functions and APIs to display website content from the database.
  4. WordPress theme consists of many PHP template files. This determines which template file to use on different pages such as Home, Internal page, category page etc.
  5. Themes are responsible for website structure and design on frontend and Plugins focus on dynamic functionality. Some theme author also builds complex features directly into the theme itself.

User can either use themes that are already available in the market or he can create a new theme with his own design.

WordPress Themes - Tutorial
WordPress Themes Section

Where can I get WordPress themes?

There are more than 3800 Free WordPress themes available in the official WordPress.org site. Additionally, there are hundreds of websites that offer free as well as paid themes for WordPress. Some of the websites that provide Free themes are Colorlib, Themeisle, TemplateMonster, MyThemeShop, SKTThemes.

You can find paid (or premium) themes on ThemeForest, StudioPress and many other portals. Avada is the #1 selling WordPress theme sold by ThemeForest, with more than 600,000+ Sales.

WordPress Theme Files:

In WordPress themes, two minimum required files areindex.php (the main template file) and style.css (the main style file). The style.css file contains theme name, author name, and other information about the theme.

Generally, WordPress theme folder contains following kind of files:

  1. PHP Files: Templates and other files
  2. CSS Files: style.css for the main style and other CSS files
  3. JavaScript Files: for event handling and other features
  4. Localization Files: If need to translate the theme in other languages
  5. Text Files: readme.txt file if you want to submit your theme on WordPress.org, licence.txt and other files

If you are not a programmer or developer, it is not necessary to learn about WordPress theme files. You can simply install existing themes via WordPress dashboard within a few seconds. Then, you can start using theme features and add content into your website without working with theme files.

In the next section, we will provide list of Top and Popular WordPress themes to start working on them.

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